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Puppy Vaginitis: Signs, Causes and Treatment

Signs of Vaginitis in Puppies

The Spruce / Ellen Lindner

Puppy vaginitis, also called juvenile vaginitis, is the inflammation of the vagina in a puppy that has not reached puberty (had their first heat cycle). The condition can cause inflammation and irritation that may lead to a vaginal discharge or licking of the vulva. Vaginitis is usually treatable when caught early on. It often disappears on its own once the puppy matures. However, certain cases may become chronic and will require surgery. Read on to learn the signs, causes, and treatment of puppy vaginitis.

What Is Puppy Vaginitis?

Puppy vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina that occurs in puppies before puberty. Also known as prepubertal or juvenile vaginitis, this condition occurs only in puppies, most often between the ages of 8 weeks and 6 months. Puppy vaginitis can occur in any breed of dog and causes inflammation, irritation, and discomfort in the vulva and vagina. Puppies may frequently lick the area to try to ease the discomfort.

Symptoms of Vaginitis in Puppies

Some puppies with vaginitis will show few or no signs of a problem. The condition is often discovered incidentally during a veterinary checkup. Each case is different, but signs typically range from mild to moderate and may come and go.

  • Irritation or redness of the vulva
  • Excessive licking of the vulva
  • Scooting on the ground
  • Vaginal discharge from the vagina
  • Dried crusts around the vulva
  • Frequent urination

The most common symptoms of puppy vaginitis are excessive licking of the vulva and reddened skin in the area. You might see your puppy scooting on the ground to relieve the itching and burning from the condition. Some puppies have vaginal discharge, which is usually cloudy white or yellowish. This discharge might dry into the fur around the puppy's vulva. Your puppy may also need to urinate more often than usual.

What Causes Puppy Vaginitis?

Veterinarians are not entirely sure what causes puppy vaginitis, though some conditions may play a role.

  • Urinary tract infection
  • Chemical imbalance in the urine that leads to an abnormal pH
  • Bacterial infection
  • Yeast infection
  • Anatomical defects
  • Trauma
  • Growths such as tumors or cysts

These conditions may lead to irritation, stinging, and inflammation of the delicate skin around the vagina. Contamination of the vulva and vagina with fecal material can also irritate the skin directly or lead to a bacterial infection. An overgrowth of yeast is another fairly common cause of vaginitis in puppies.

Although not so common, some puppies have congenital defects in their vaginal anatomy that make vaginitis more likely, such as a hooded or recessed vulva. Foreign objects or injury to the vagina may also cause vaginitis, as can tumors or cysts in the area.

Diagnosing Puppy Vaginitis in Dogs

If you suspect vaginitis, a veterinarian should examine your puppy. The age of the puppy, along with characteristic symptoms, will help your vet make a diagnosis. Most likely, your vet will order a urinalysis, which can reveal urinary tract infections, and blood work to rule out any serious health issues beyond simple vaginitis. Your vet may take a swab of the vagina to check for overgrowth of yeast of bacteria.

In some cases, the veterinarian will recommend a vaginoscopy. During this procedure, a flexible camera is inserted into the vulva and vagina. This offers a visual examination of the inner walls of the vagina and can reveal structural abnormalities, cysts, tumors, or injury. The vet may collect a sample of the inner vagina to gather cells for microscopic examination, which may show changes typical of vaginitis.

How to Treat Puppy Vaginitis

In mild cases of puppy vaginitis with no complicating factors such as an underlying infection, treatment usually consists of daily cleaning of the vulva until the puppy outgrows the condition. This can be done with an unscented baby wipe or a gentle antibacterial soap. The goal is to keep the area clean and alleviate any irritation from the discharge.

If your vet is concerned about a bacterial infection, your puppy will need to take antibiotics until the infection is gone. Yeast infections may require antifungal drugs. Your vet may also recommend anti-inflammatory drugs to ease swelling and discomfort.

If your dog has a structural abnormality, surgery may be required to correct the problem. However, as the puppy grows, these structural problems will often improve.

The good news is that puppy vaginitis commonly clears up on its own after the dog goes into heat for the first time. If your puppy is old enough to be spayed, talk to your veterinarian about the best age to perform the surgery.

Prognosis for Dogs With Puppy Vaginitis

The vast majority of puppies with vaginitis will outgrow the condition as they mature and will have no further problems. Keeping the area clean and dry will help keep your pet more comfortable during this time. For puppies with structural problems that do not correct themselves as the dog matures, surgery may be necessary.

How to Prevent Puppy Vaginitis

It's not always possible to prevent puppy vaginitis, but there are a few things you can do to reduce the chances.

  • Spay your puppy when they're old enough.
  • Keep the vulva and vagina clean and dry
  • Bring your puppy to the veterinarian for recommended check-ups; your vet may notice abnormalities before your puppy develops vaginitis.
If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.
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  1. Vaginitis in Puppies. Veterinary Partner.

  2. Vaginitis in Dogs. VCA Animal Hospitals.

  3. M. Kustritz. Vaginitis in dogs: A simple approach to a complex condition. DVM 360.