Dogs Dog Health & Wellness Dog Diseases & Disorders

Liver Disease in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Jack Russell terrier laying on side on grey couch.
Liver failure can affect any breed of dog.

Getty Images/Photographer, Basak Gurbuz Derman

Liver disease in dogs occurs when the liver is damaged or not functioning properly. Several different conditions can affect a dog's liver and cause varying degrees of illness. Here's what pet parents should know about liver disease in dogs, including symptoms, causes, and treatment.

What is Liver Disease in Dogs?

Liver disease refers to any abnormality in the liver that prevents it from functioning normally.

The liver is an internal organ located in the abdomen under the diaphragm toward the right side of the body. It is dark red and has multiple lobes. The liver plays a vital role in detoxifying the body by filtering out toxins and waste from food and medications. It also produces important factors for blood clotting, creates bile used to digest food, and performs other functions necessary for life.

Some liver problems are more serious than others, and the liver has the remarkable ability to regenerate in the early stages of disease. Serious problems with your dog's liver can lead to irreversible and fatal liver failure, so it is important to have any concerns checked out with your veterinarian.

Types of Liver Disease in Dogs

There are several different types of liver diseases seen in dogs, and each may impact liver function differently.

Bile Duct Obstruction

Bile duct obstruction occurs when the tubes that carry bile from the liver to the gallbladder become blocked. This can happen as a result of a condition involving any of the digestive organs because all are linked to or affected by the liver. The obstruction may be due to inflammation of surrounding tissues, parasites, fibrosis, benign tumors, or cancer.

Liver Shunt

A portosystemic shunt, also called a liver shunt, is an abnormal vascular connection between the liver and other organs. A shunt causes blood from the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and spleen to bypass the liver, preventing blood detoxification. Shunts are often congenital, meaning some dogs are born with them. Symptoms, which include ataxia and seizures, are most likely to occur after eating.

Chronic Hepatitis

Chronic hepatitis is inflammation and cell damage in the liver that lasts longer than a few weeks. This happens because of an abnormal influx of inflammatory blood cells responding to an infection, parasite, or ingested toxins. This may be caused by an autoimmune disease. Chronic hepatitis can affect any breed of dog at any age but is more likely to appear in older dogs.


Liver tumors, most common in older dogs, can be cancerous or benign but still affect your pet by pressing on the surrounding liver lobes or other organs. Primary liver tumors are those that begin in the liver. More commonly, liver tumors are a result of metastasis from cancer in other organs.

Symptoms of Liver Disease in Dogs

Since many different liver problems can occur in dogs, symptoms and signs will vary from case to case. At first, there may be no symptoms until the disease has progressed. This is why regular exams and blood work are crucial, especially in older animals. If you or your veterinarian can spot liver issues before they become a full-blown disease, it may prevent permanent liver damage and help the dog feel better faster.

Many of these symptoms can be seen in dogs with other types of conditions and diseases, so while this list of symptoms may describe many dogs with liver failure or liver disease, it could also describe a dog with another type of problem. Your veterinarian will be able to diagnose whether or not your dog is in liver failure.


Jaundice, also known as icterus, is the yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes. This is most noticeable where fur is sparse, such as inside the ears and on the belly, as well as in the whites of the eyes, and the gums. It's typically more obvious in light-colored dogs. Left untreated, this yellow hue will become more obvious or darker in color as time goes on.

Jaundice occurs due to a build-up of bilirubin in the blood. This can happen when the liver is not functioning optimally since the liver normally breaks down bilirubin. Jaundice can also occur for some reasons that are not related to the liver, so it is always important to consult your vet to determine the cause.


The liver plays an important role in detoxifying the body of certain waste products and toxins. If it is failing, these substances may accumulate in the body causing nausea and vomiting. Additionally, since the liver produces bile, an important component in the breakdown and digestion of fat, a dog with liver disease may not produce bile normally and have trouble digesting fatty substances.


Dog lying on stainless steel exam table.
Dogs with anemia can be very weak.

Getty Images/THEPALMER

A dog with liver disease may become lethargic and less interested in normal activities, including walks, playing with toys, and even interacting with loved ones. Liver disease can cause lethargy due to pain, nausea, fever, low blood sugar, or internal bleeding. However, nearly any health condition can cause lethargy, so this is not a sure sign of liver disease in dogs.

Poor Appetite

Maltese refusing to eat bowl of dry dog food.
Sometimes dogs don't want to eat simply because they are picky.

 humonia/Getty Images

A dog with liver disease may have a poor appetite or completely refuse to eat (anorexia). This happens because liver disease can cause nausea, vomiting, pain, and discomfort. A dog who is not eating may experience rapid weight loss, dehydration, and more severe lethargy.

Swollen Abdomen

A dog with liver disease may develop ascites, the medical term for fluid build-up in the abdomen. A swollen abdomen may look give a dog a pot-bellied appearance. Ascites can be uncomfortable, making it more difficult for the dog to breathe normally and move around with ease. Ascites can be caused by many things, including low blood protein levels, electrolyte imbalances, and internal bleeding.


Seizures may occur when the liver is unable to remove toxins from the bloodstream. These toxins build up in the blood and cause seizures as well as other neurological changes known as hepatic encephalopathy. This can include behavior changes, such as pressing their head against firm surfaces or acting confused and disoriented. Seizures may also be caused by low blood sugar, which can occur in some cases of liver disease.

Blood Clotting Issues

The liver creates many proteins that help blood clot. It also helps absorb and recycle some important vitamins that are also needed for clotting. If the liver is not functioning well, your dog may have problems with blood clotting. This can cause excessive bleeding from small cuts or minor trauma. Dogs with clotting problems may have bruising below the skin, blood in the stool and vomit, or bleeding from the gums.

What Causes Liver Disease in Dogs?

Liver disease has many potential causes depending on the specific type of problem:

  • Acute liver disease can develop after exposure to a toxic substance or poison, or from exposure to excessive heat. Some toxins can cause different organs to fail, leading to secondary liver damage.
  • Bile duct obstruction may be caused by generalized inflammation, an infection, a tumor, gallstones, or a build-up of thickened bile in the gallbladder called a mucocele.
  • Liver shunts may be present at birth or develop due to another liver problem.
  • Chronic hepatitis can be caused by an overactive immune system, infection, toxins, or other damage that the liver could not completely recover from.
  • Infections may lead to chronic liver problems. These may be viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic in origin One particular bacteria called leptospirosis can cause severe liver damage when contracted by an unvaccinated dog.

How Vets Diagnose Liver Disease in Dogs

Your veterinarian will begin by discussing your dog's history and doing a physical examination. If the vet suspects liver disease, they'll order lab work to evaluate organ function. They may also wish to do some imaging. Diagnostic tests often include:

  • Liver enzymes, including alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
  • Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), a byproduct of protein metabolism can give information that supports a diagnosis of liver disease
  • Bilirubin, a substance found in bile
  • Albumin, a protein made by the liver
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Cholesterol
  • A complete blood count, which may indicate the presence of an infection or inflammation
  • A bile acids test, which can indicate whether the liver has a good blood supply, enough healthy cells, and whether bile is moving freely through the liver
  • Abdominal imaging, like radiographs (X-rays) or an ultrasound, may reveal scar tissue and tumors in or around the liver region. 
  • Advanced imaging, such as CT or MRI, may be necessary to better visualize the abdomen
  • A liver biopsy may be recommended to check for the presence of bacteria, cancer cells, and more and is often the only way to get a definitive diagnosis for the cause of the liver disease.

How to Treat Liver Disease in Dogs

The treatment options for acute liver disease depend on the type of disease and the degree of damage done to the liver. In many cases, there is no cure for liver failure, but there may be ways to extend and improve your dog's quality of life. Treatment for liver disease in dogs may include:

  • Medications and supplements, such as Denamarin, can help many dogs with liver disease or damage live by supporting liver function.
  • Diet changes may be helpful in some cases.
  • Antibiotics and antiviral medications can be given in the presence of infection.
  • Chronic active hepatitis—not reversible or curable—is often managed with medications and a restricted diet.
  • Treatment for liver tumors or cancer will depend on test results and may involve surgery, chemotherapy, and the administration of medications.
  • Bile duct obstruction can sometimes be managed with medications like ursodiol. However, for full duct obstruction, surgery is often necessary.
  • Surgery has a high success rate for liver shunts and can be a cure for many dogs. However, not all shunts can be repaired surgically and these cases will need lifelong management with diet and medication.

The response to treatment depends on the individual dog, but compliance from the owner is a major component of success. Be sure to adhere to your vet's recommendations for medications, diet, and follow-up testing and exams.

Prognosis for Dogs With Liver Disease

The outlook for a dog with liver disease depends on the type, cause, and severity of the disease.

  • Dogs with congenital abnormalities like portosystemic shunts or benign tumors can often be cured with surgical intervention.
  • Chronic inflammatory liver disease is usually incurable but can often be managed for years with medications and dietary changes.
  • Metastatic liver cancer tends to carry the worst prognosis of the liver disease types; quality of life is managed by surgery, chemotherapy, medications, and diet for a limited life expectancy from the time of diagnosis.

How to Prevent Liver Disease in Dogs

While keeping your dog healthy involves routine wellness exams, there are other ways to support liver health.

  • Refrain from feeding your dog fatty foods as this may cause pancreatitis, which can secondarily affect the liver. 
  • Make sure your pet is fully vaccinated to prevent infectious causes of liver disease such as leptospirosis.
  • Keep toxic substances out of your dog's reach
  • Provide plenty of opportunities for your dog to exercise. A fit, active dog is less likely to suffer from serious medical conditions brought on by a sedentary lifestyle of overeating.
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  1. Canine chronic hepatitis - digestive system. Merck Veterinary Manual.

  2. Hepatic encephalopathy in small animals - digestive system. Merck Veterinary Manual.

  3. Disorders Of The Liver And Gallbladder In DogsVeterinary Manual.

  4. Pancreatitis In Small AnimalsVeterinary Manual.